Wednesday 27 June 2012

Remember, Remember - More Power?

Regular visitors might remember back to January when we upgraded the Blaithwaite power supply by installing a new 100kVA transformer & associated equipment .

Well. Yesterday at about half past four the new transformer failed in spectacular fashion: the lights flashed; there was a loud banging sound and smoke issued from the transformer producing an acrid smell. Our power went off as did that of all our neighbours!!

However, Electricity North West had an engineering team on site within minutes and in steady rain on a most un-summer like evening they did an excellent job in fitting a new transformer and restoring power within 3-4 hours. The site was full (with over 100 visitors) so we were relieved to be back to business as usual.


  1. Glad you all are doing good!!)))

    1. Thanks running4him - it was an interesting day yesterday!!
